I’m Lamees Hamdan

Design is my mission on earth. I believe good design gives a space soul, adding a burst of positive energy to enhance everyday life.

With professional integrity and an openness to risk-taking, I deliver high-quality services throughout every phase of the project. I create concepts that translate identities into physical environments that best reflect each individual or company. I collaborate with interior designers, architects and graphic designers to bring a dynamic vision to life.

My journey started by taking on freelance projects which over time, organically led to the creation of Consoul. Over the years, I have transformed residential and commercial spaces and created bespoke furniture pieces, intentionally made to enhance the environment.

I’m educated in architecture and interior design, having studied at the University of Arts, London and the Florence Institute of Design in Italy. Take a look at my work below.

Breathe soul into your space

I believe in design and its capacity to have a positive impact. I create spaces that aim to connect people and enhance their wellbeing.

Check out our industries

  • Creating office spaces that inspire creativity and encourage connectivity.

  • Make your place a home with captivating design.

  • Add a statement piece of furniture to make any space pop.

Ask me a question.

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